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Self Service user guide

Have you just installed the Self Service? Then we would like to show you around the most important parts.

Updated over 2 years ago

With the Officient Self Service, you can easily manage your documents and payslips yourself, request digital absence, and look up the contact details of your coworkers. You need to know where to find everything and how to do it. That is why we have written this user guide for you!

What does the Self Service offer?

  • Calendar*: Request your own leave of absence.

  • Assets*: View your work tools.

  • Wage & benefits*: An overview of your salary package, work schedule and budgets.

  • Personal information: Your personal information and contact details.

  • Contracts: Consult and sign your contracts.

  • Documents: View documents from your employer.

  • Performance reviews*: All evaluations with your manager.

  • Tasks*: Specific HR questions.

  • Courses*: Overview of all your training courses.

*This functionality may be disabled for your company.

How do you work with the different modules of the Self Service?

1. Calendar

The calendar function makes it easy to consult your remaining days and plan your absences yourself. You can also view the calendar of your colleagues and link the calendar to your own calendar program.

2. Assets

Assets show you a list of all tools available at your employer. This section consists of 2 categories:

  • Assets*: e.g. PC / laptop, cell phone, access badge, clothing, safety shoes,...

  • Fleet: Here you can find company vehicles that you can dispose of.

Optionally, a request module* can be linked to this.
💡 Click here for more information about the asset module*.

*This functionality may be disabled in your company.

3. Wage & benefits

Wage and benefits give you a quick overview of your wage package, work schedule, and any budgets*.

Within the wage circle, you see:

  • your gross salary and an estimate of other wage costs

  • your work schedule

*This functionality may be disabled in your company.

4. Personal information

All the data your employer needs to know to process the payroll correctly. Do you want to change personal information?

5. Who is who

Who works in your company? Who is on your team? Who is responsible for what? You can find it in the 'Who is who'. You can search via the search bar.

6. Contracts

All signed contracts, agreements, regulations ... with your employer can be found here. If you still need to sign a document, you can do so digitally via the Self Service application.

7. Documents

The documents' module is your digital filing cabinet, where you can find all documents related to your job. Click on a folder or a document to open it. If you have to submit another document, Officient will remind you of this as well.
More info on the document module can be found here.

8. Performance reviews*

If your manager has had an evaluation interview with you, you can find the feedback in this interview by date.

*This functionality may be disabled in your company.

9. Tasks

HR may request specific data or tasks from you. You will then receive an e-mail about this new task. The number next to 'Tasks' indicates the number of open tasks. Click on the task to find out more about what you need to do and when.

10. Courses

Here you will find all the courses you have taken, and you can request a new course.

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