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Self Service: Documents
Updated over a week ago

Documents is your digital filing cabinet where you can find all your working documents. Click on a folder or a document to open it.

If you still need to submit documents (sick note, identity card, etc.), Officient will also remind you of this. You can add sick notes by clicking on upload absence certificate. Under Required documents you can click View documents to see which documents you still need to submit and add them directly.

Via Upload a file you can insert any other document.

How do I upload a document?

  1. Go to Documents.

  2. Click on the button Upload a file.

  3. Choose in which folder you want to add this document. (e.g.: identity card, holiday certificate). If folders are already available for you, you will be able to choose from them.

  4. Then click on Upload a file.

  5. Find the document on your device and select it.

  6. Your document has now been added. You can upload more files from here, or return to Documents.

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